Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Milton Friedman

(July 31, 1912 – November 16, 2006) was an American economist, statistician, a professor at the University of Chicago, and recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences.
Among scholars, he is best known for his theoretical and empirical research, especially consumption analysis, monetary history and theory, and for his demonstration of the complexity of stabilization policy. He was an economic advisor to U.S. President Ronald Reagan. Over time, many governments practiced his restatement of a political philosophy that extolled the virtues of a free market economic system with little intervention by government. As a leader of the Chicago school of economics, based at the University of Chicago, he had great influence in determining the research agenda of the entire profession. Milton Friedman's works, which include many monographs, books, scholarly articles, papers, magazine columns, television programs, videos, and lectures, cover a broad range of topics of microeconomics, macroeconomics, economic history, and public policy issues. The Economist described him as "the most influential economist of the second half of the 20th century…possibly of all of it".

See Tribute to Milton Friedman

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Job Characteristics Survey

We are MBA students conducting a strictly confidential survey with the intent to measure job characteristics as determinants of motivation and satisfaction in the workplace. Please take 5 to 10 minutes of your time to respond to this survey. Please respond to this survey only if you are currently employed. Please assess each question as a measure of the job you presently hold. If you are employed by more than one company, please respond by only assessing only one of your employers. Thank you for your participation in our study.

Please click the following link to participate:


Full Report will be posted once all data has been collected.

5 Things That Will Happen To You When America Goes Bankrupt

1) Your life savings could be reduced to nothing almost overnight. Inflation is a fact of life. As Thomas Sowell has noted, "As of 1998, a $100 bill would not buy as much as a $20 bill would buy in the 1960's." That's under normal circumstances.

See More Under Politics

Saturday, March 5, 2011

How to Become a Politician

A how to guide for people wanting to become a politician. How do you become a politician? How do you get started? What skills do you need?

This site features easy concepts, intuitive ideas, and helpful links to understand how to really become a politician. "Become a Politician" is an easy guide to becoming a local, state, or national politician. Learn how to get involved with a political party, campaign and what are the necessary characteristics of politicians.
See more under Politics

Shortage in Psychiatrists: An Example of the Changing Demographics in the Workforce

What direction is the medical profession going?  As noted in a fellow blogger’s page, the psychiatric profession is becoming thinner in numbers while the demand for these professionals increases.  It is quite interesting to see the impact of the current state of our medical system.  I wonder if this is a result of Obama care?  Nevertheless, it is sad to see that the experienced professionals are leaving the field to young and possibly overly enthusiast members of the medical profession.  I unfortunately do not know how to comment toward this situation: will the enthusiasm lead to greater patient care, or, a higher rate of misdiagnosis?  On another note, could this possibly lead to a situation similar to the education system in the US: too many students and too little time?
See more under Economics

Speaking Freely: Analysis of AP Blog Fair Use Guidelines

News from Me, You, and US, as our followers are quite aware, is an effort to create a free media platform for topics of a wide variety. To accomplish this mission, our news must be created by ourselves with one caveat: the information provided should be accurate and realistic. Thus, a News from Me, You, and US is in a quandary of how information should be developed. On one hand, the followers of this blog page, making the assumption that most of our followers are not oversupplied with breaking news and lack a staff to follow breaking news stories; on the other hand, if we utilize outside media sources to provide content for our blog, are we simply repeating the same old news with the same spin as the source providing the information? If the answer to the previous question is yes, and, if this blog page is created by the alleged, then our site is a focus of the Associated Press and its efforts to impose guidelines to regulate fair use of information.
So, what exactly are the guidelines A.P. is proposing in its Fair Use Guidelines? Well, the primary complaint, according to Saul Hansell of the A.P.:

“The A.P.’s effort to impose some guidelines on the free-wheeling blogosphere, where extensive quoting and even copying of entire news articles is common, may offer a prominent definition of the important but vague doctrine of ‘fair use’…”

See more under Speaking Freely

Friday, March 4, 2011

Introduction to Economics

Understanding the current state of our economy and the variables driving our current economic climate is a very difficult task.  The reason why is best explained by a quote from one of my most favored professors, Christopher Mushrush: “If you want to have a job which allows you to be 100% wrong 100% of the time, be an economist!”  With that being said, no matter which chief economist from whichever firm anyone references, the most important thing to consider is: when listening to these individuals try to understand how their statements relate to the laws of Economic Theory.  To accomplish this, one must have an understanding of Economic Theory.

See more under Economics

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Speaking Freely: Creating a More Perfect Media

As said by U.S. President Abraham Lincoln in the Gettysburg Address, “government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth,” citizens of the United States believe that our republic is safeguarded by the democratic roots of the Declaration of Independence.  By utilizing these guidelines, the aim of this blog page is conceived through wisdom and dedicated to the proposition that all opinions are created equally and holds the opinion that a media of the people, by the people, for the people, shall birth a new medium to ensure we freethinkers shall not perish from the earth.

See Speaking Freely: Rules of Engagement for News from Me, You, and US